Monday, November 1, 2021

Chinese New Year Galaxy Card - Penguin Palace & Ink On 3 Collaboration

Chinese New Year Galaxy Card,Penguin Palace,Ink On 3,Collaboration Hop, Instagram,Atelier Inks,Ink Blending,Card Making, Stamping, Die Cutting, handmade card, ilovedoingallthingscrafty, Stamps, how to,

Hello friends,

Today's card is part of a collaboration Hop between Inkon3 and Penguin Palace Stamps which is happening over onπŸ‘‰ Instagram. We teamed up to celebrate the Penguin Palace's 3rd Anniversary!  You can hop along with us on Instagram for your chance to win one of two $25 gift cards (one to the Ink on 3 store and one to the Penguin Palace store). The hop will end on November 7 @ 11:59 PM PDT.

Chinese New Year Galaxy Card,Penguin Palace,Ink On 3,Collaboration Hop, Instagram,Atelier Inks,Ink Blending,Card Making, Stamping, Die Cutting, handmade card, ilovedoingallthingscrafty, Stamps, how to,

Here is how this card came together.
Chinese New Year Galaxy Card,Penguin Palace,Ink On 3,Collaboration Hop, Instagram,Atelier Inks,Ink Blending,Card Making, Stamping, Die Cutting, handmade card, ilovedoingallthingscrafty, Stamps, how to,

Chinese New Year Galaxy Card,Penguin Palace,Ink On 3,Collaboration Hop, Instagram,Atelier Inks,Ink Blending,Card Making, Stamping, Die Cutting, handmade card, ilovedoingallthingscrafty, Stamps, how to,

Hope you got some inspiration from today's Chinese New Year Galaxy Card. It makes me think of one of my best friends, who was Chinese that I lost earlier this year to Cancer. Actually, now that I think about it, it was 6 months to the day today 😭 She was the one person I would always wish Happy Chinese New Year too. I really miss her πŸ’™ but I know she is up in the sky (somewhere in the Galaxy maybe) and will receive my message!

Thank you for stopping by and until next time... Happy Crafting!
Ilda πŸ‘‹⭐


  1. What a different card 😍 love how vibrant and beautiful it is


Thanks so much for taking the time and leaving me a comment! I always love hearing from you and I appreciate you stopping by! Hugs, Ilda