Finally, everything is ready!!! All that is left is 17 kids running around... Wow, it's gonna be wild!
So today I'm going to share with you all the baking I've done for the party. Cake, cupcakes, and cake pops... yup that's a lot of cake! Hopefully, everyone likes cake!
So I will start off with the cake... I really had no idea what I was going to make for a cake. I knew I wanted to make it small. Since I already had some black fondant in my pantry I thought why not make a Darth Vader head. This is a 6-inch marble cake, shhhhhh... it's Betty Crocker! Covered with a buttercream icing. To form the mouth I just used some Rice Krispies treats.
Yup, I just used 3 packages of Rice Krispies, just roll and mold to the shape you like. Real easy to work with. Then just cover the Krispies well with buttercream icing.
Not bad! My little Darth Vader head, he actually turned out pretty cute! (If Darth Vader could be cute?) I have him sitting on the top tear of my cupcake stand.
Next, here are my Clone Cake Pops! They look like they are lined up to charge. For tips on how I make my cake pops click here. These are white cake on the inside, dipped in white chocolate candy melts, and decorated with black royal icing.
I didn't think these cake pops would ever end. One cake mix package made around 60+ cake pops. Totally OK, because I thought I would send them to school with my son to share with his grade 2 class.
He looks so sad :( all wrapped up and ready to eat... I guess he knows his fate, lol!
All sealed up and ready for delivery!
And finally the cupcakes... I made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, everyone should be happy! Hopefully not crazy happy from the sugar rush, hehe! They are going to look super cute with the cupcake toppers I made :)
I'll make sure to take lots of pics of the party to share with you all... Happy Birthday, 8th Tomas!
Well it's getting late and I'd better get some beauty sleep so I can be ready to entertain all those kids!
Wish me luck!!!
Ilda :)
Up Next the Star Wars Party Reveal and Wrap Up!